Tuesday, July 1, 2008

One of my biggest Peeves about working in an office...

Someone threw out my lunch! It was in the fridge here and I know exactly who it was... you know, there's one in every office.

One of the attorneys that I work for left for a 2 week vacation in Spain and he's been doing very well settling a lot of cases so he wanted to treat us all to lunch, so he got us a $100 gift certificate to a local restaurant so we could all get lunch on him.. it was a really nice gesture. Everyone ordered lunch and since P. is here with me this week and we had about $14 per person I ordered hero's for P. and myself, he ate half and took the other half of his home and I left the other half of mine in the fridge to have today along with P.'s leftovers from friday that he forgot to take home, it would have been fine to have today.. well, lunchtime rolls around and P. comes to me and says "okay Mom, it's lunchtime" {lol, he's too damn cute!} I tell him to put it all in the toaster oven to heat it up, he goes to the fridge and the box isn't there shocked smiley so I go and look for myself, and Low and behold there is the little pizza box in the garbage, and not only was it in the garbage, but it was opened and had coffee grounds thrown into it RAWR Now I know exactly who did it, the nasty old hag-woman that works in my office who sits in her back office and shops online all day, she's been here since the dawning of time, so no rules of the workplace seem to apply to her. Now, being I am not a confrontational person I kinda vented out in the open that some smiley cussing tossed not only mine, but P.'s lunch too, so now, because I didn't bring anything with me I have to go and dish out some cash to get lunch and I was PISSED.
Not that it's going to do any good, but I made up a sign and posted it on the refrigerator
Please ask before you throw anything away in the refrigerator, if it’s not yours don’t touch.
Like I said to P. because he was mad too, but more than anything he felt bad that I had to go and buy lunch for us both, it's not the money, just the principle.. have a little respect for others in the office, P. and I were the only ones who got hero's yesterday, and it was really none of her business to go and throw anything away in the first place.. Ugg.. It's just very frustrating..

Well, here's an update today 7/2
The note was torn off the refrigerator.. and she complained to everyone about it before I got in.. really nice.


Bunny said...

this woman is some piece of work isn't she!? she's making me mad and i don't even know her!!! and she took the sign down GGGGGRRRRR!!! maybe with any luck she'll retire soon. well on a lighter note, my meme is posted.

Ashley said...

LOL.. Trust me, with what she makes in a week the woman is never going to retire.. she'll be 72 soon... in her words 'I'll retire when I'm dead"

Thanks Bunny :o)

Unknown said...

I'm sorry hun, maybe you should leave egg salad in their for a couple weeks :)