I took 1- 3 pound roast and seasoned it with salt and pepper and seared it in a hot pan just until it was browned on all sides (about 2-3 minutes per side), chopped up 3 cloves of garlic and roughly cut 4 carrots, those went into the bottom of my crock pot (that as always, was lined with a Reynolds Crock pot liner because I HATE doing dishes and the less cleaning up I have to do, the better) I put the seared roast on top of the carrots and garlic and poured the remainder of my French onion soup on top of the roast. Put the cover on, turned it on low and left it all night to cook (from about 9pm-6:30am) when I got up this morning i turned it off and took the crock out of the electric cooker to cool and into the fridge it went until P. got home and then he put it back in the cooker and turned it onto warm so by the time I got home from work I just had to make some rice and dinner was ready.. YUMMMMY!!
Now.. for the cupcake:

Oh come on.. I had to buy it! I was So hoping they had it in black.. but for $2.99 I wasn't going to be picky

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