Yes, I shall confess. I've been a slacker at the blog thing for the past week or so. It's been 80+degrees in NY the past week and I do not have a/c, yup, you heard me right, no a/c. I have fans in my little apartment that seem to do not much more than blow the hot air around, but my windows aren't big enough to put in an air conditioner and I just can't fathom spending $300+ on a portable a/c that would most likely only cool my bedroom. So needless to say there has been very little cooking done, at least nothing Blog- worthy, lol. Hamburgers and chicken on the GF grill, pasta salads, one night it was Tuna sandwiches and salad, tonight P. had the other half of my lunch that was delivered by a local restaurant and since my buddy at work only eats chicken (I will never understand how the girl can live on Chicken alone, she doesn't know what she's missing in the world, talk about your picky eaters, sheesh!) We find ourselves ordering in from the same place all the time, she sticks with her 2 menu choices and I check out what's new on the specials menu. Today it was 1/2 a chicken with rice and salad, it was really good. I'm good at only eating half my lunch though and I bring the rest home for P. I'm not really trying to lose weight, but eat smarter :) so P. had that and I had a slice of leftover Pizza. I'm just not motivated this week, fathers day is a huge bummer for me Dad's been gone for 16 years (crap, it's really hard to put that down) harder even is that mom's been gone 13 years tomorrow (and she never got to know my little Peanut) My birthday is Sunday... God only knows what's going on since my life is up in the air all the time and plans, if any are always made at the very last minute, so among all the people in my life who knows who is going to jump in first with an idea.
Alright, enough about me.. I'm getting depressed, sheesh. Maybe I'll bake some brownies for the last full day of School on Friday.. then my baby will be officially out of elementary school (and OMG!) a 7th Grader next year (I still do NOT think I'm old enough for all this) Brownies are always good.. if I make, I will Blog them for sure!
hi - just found your blog, but just wanted to say that i totally feel you on the father's day thing. mine's been gone 3.5 years, and this year was ROUGH. so i made some ice cream, which helped a tiny bit.
Hi Ashley, i too have just found your blog too. i'm really sorry to hear that but I know you're defintely gonna get by. take care.
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