Yesterday it was All over the news, starting at around 4am my phone beeped with a special weather alert that there was an impending blizzard. As the day went on my phone beeped just about every hour with updated snow amounts, special warnings from the NYC Mayor, the Senator and everyone else in between. "A Historical storm with totals this city has never seen before" The thought makes me cringe.
Like I've said before, I've lived in New York my entire life, I've only moved in a 50 Mile radius of where I grew up and I don't like winter.. I despise it. I hate the cold and the snow.
We did our weekend shopping Friday night and then went back to the store yesterday for some last minute things and all I"m gonna say is we spent WAY too much money on groceries this week, the good thing is nobody needs anything else for the next few days, well... at least they'd better not.
We left this morning at 7:30 to get to work on time but the roads were fine and it started snowing around 8. It's now 10:37am and I"m sitting here in my 4th floor office and the snow is coming down steadily. They're calling for between 16-24" where I live and I'm not looking forward to this at all.
I'll try and update with pics here, if not check out the FB page and I"m sure there will be regular updates on this crazy storm.
Be safe out there!
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