Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Granting wishes and baking Christmas cookies

I’m asking for a little help from my friends here.

'Tis the Season of holiday baking and giving, why not reach out and help grant the wishes of strangers in need of some holiday help.

I always make the same Christmas cookies and this year I’ve taken it upon myself to grant a few wishes at Wish Upon a Hero and help some people out with Christmas baking and mailing cookies and Christmas cards to help make their holiday a little brighter.

What I’m asking for here is if any of you would be willing to share a few cookie recipes with me by email @ inthekitchenwithme@gmail.com. I’ll pick a few and then post them up here along with pictures of the boxes that I’m going to send.

Thanks guys, it's very much appreciated.


MommaKiss said...

i'll send you a recipe! loooooove me some cookies