Since the weekend they've been predicting a Nor'easter to come through NY.. like we needed that after Superstorm Sandy... but since nobody can control the weather in it came. Yesterday morning it was 29° when I left my house and by the time I got to work it had started to rain, by 11, it was snowing -_- The snow started to get progressively heaver as the day went on and when the ladies came back from lunch I decided it was time for me to get out of here since I'm still taking public transportation until I can find an open gas station in my area and fill up my Jeep.
We lost power for a bit last night but luckily it came back up after an hour or so but school was cancelled for today by a phone call from the principal around 10.
This morning I got dressed and put my boots on to get ready to walk to the bus stop once again and there was a good 6" of snow on the ground.
This is NOT a winter wonderland.. at all.
It was a very heavy, slushy snow and the poor trees can barely handle it.. there were more lines down as I was walking along. We definitely need a break from this crazy weather.
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