Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Home Made Vanilla Extract... Want some?

I never really understood what the big deal was with home made vanilla extract was, yea, I know that anything labeled Imatation is pure crap, and real vanilla extract was the good stuff that cost like $7 for what.. 2 ounces? Well.. I went all out and decided to try this myself and yea, it's ready. I used it for all my Christmas cookies and a few weeks ago I gave a jar to one of my attorneys who was amazed at not only how easy it was, but what a true difference it makes in whatever you bake.

Well.. Now 2 lucky readers will each be getting one 4 ounce mason jar of Home Made Vanilla Extract straight from my kitchen to yours.

You don't have to do anything special to enter, just stop bye and say hi, share a recipe.. whatever you want.. just post it as a comment on this post and that's it, you're entered.

Contest starts now and ends on Tuesday, February 9th.

I'll pick 2 winners using the Random number generator, so enter often.


Lobster Gram Recipe Blog said...

I made home made vanilla a few years back and bottled it for Christmas Gifts. What kind of Vodka did you use for this and how long did you let it steep?

Lys said...

I have not been brave enough to try to make my own vanilla but I'm intrigued to say the least :)

Perhaps I might want to give it a shot.

adrienne said...

i am not even going to be able to express how much i want homemade vanilla extract.

and that unexpressable need doubles because it's from you!

Mommas in the House said...

How do you make vanilla extract? (I hope I don't sound stupid asking that question). Lately my daughter asks me to bake her lots of things, and homemade vanilla sounds amazing!

promo codes said...

Great post.