I have an address to send donations to, so if you are interested in sending clothes for the boys or anything else to help the family out please leave a comment and I will provide you with that information.
Bloggers Helping One of Our Own
Posted: 09 Feb 2009 09:59 AM PST

In effort to give a final push toward meeting the $5,000 goal, I wanted to share the following:
Let it be said that b5media is a close knit community of bloggers and when one is in need, the entire network seems to pull together and rally around that need. Last week, something terrible happened to one of our own bloggers, Cheril Vernon. Cheril lost her house, and her pets to a fire recently, and is without insurance to rebuild. The local Red Cross is doing what it can, but if we, the entire blogging community and social networking geeks could all show our support by giving what we can, then Cheril and her family will be doing much better than they currently are.
When times are as tough as they are, the last thing anyone should experience is a loss of everything. And being the pet lover that I am, I can’t imagine losing my own in such a horrible way. Pets are like family.
To read more about the incident, and send in you donation, check out the special page, b5media Blogger Loses Home in Fire, made surrounding this event on b5media’s own site.
Every dollar helps, regardless of how large or small the donation. Consider it creating good karma! What you give out of the goodness of your heart is bound to come back to you many times over. Giving to such a cause made me feel as though I was truly making a difference in the life of someone who needed it. Cheril, her husband and their two boys have a terrible and long road to recovery ahead of them – we can make that journey just a tad bit easier with any contribution.
Lastly, if you are on Twitter, Facebook or other such sites, please make sure to message about this, as spreading the word is also very helpful.
I can't imagine losing everything like this, so lets band together and help out in any way we can. I'm gonna see what size clothes these boys wear, I've got lots of boy clothes that are too small for The Kid that are ready to be donated and maybe I can help Cheril out with some things too :)
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