Monday, November 4, 2013


I am a coffee snob.  I'm not gonna lie.  I refuse to drink the Columbian sludge they make in my office, The guy in the lobby shop has a "dark roast" and I was so excited to get myself a cup the other day and then after one sip glad I only paid .75¢ for it because it was so disgustingly weak it went right down the drain.

When I got the opportunity to try Green Mountain Fair Trade Certified coffee for the Keurig I jumped on it.

 My verdict?

It's Amazingly delicious :)

That's one good cup of coffee :)

What's Fair Trade Certified coffee you ask?  Well, Fair Trade certification gives farmers a fair price for their beans with a guaranteed minimum, which means they can invest in their crops, their communities, and their future. Fair Trade also lets Green Mountain Coffee® and farmers work closely together to bring the best tasting coffee to market.

By Choosing Fair Trade Certified you're allowing the farmers to receive a fair price for their beans which means great coffee for us and a better quality of life for the farmers and more money going into their communities.  One little change for us makes a huge change in their lives.

Will I continue to purchase these pods?  Absolutely!  Not only do I love this coffee, but my honey does too so it's win-win. There are other Green Mountain fair trade varieties available for purchase right where we do our grocery shopping also.

Disclaimer: I'm a Bzzagent and received a free sample of Green Mountain Fair Trade Certified Three Continent Blend.  The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.